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Tracking Political Ads in Smaller Media Markets Blog

Tracking Political Ads in Smaller Media Markets

Some districts harder to track than others, but not many competitive races are affected (MIDDLETOWN, CT) July 24, 2019 - The Wesleyan Media Project obtains ad data from Kantar Media/CMAG, which represents the most comprehensive and systematic collection on the content and targeting of political advertisements. There is, however, one feature of Kantar’s data that we want to highlight for our data users: each media market in the country is either a “discovery” market or a “non-discovery” market. Discovery markets have technology that allows them to compare new sound wave patterns from ads to the existing database to determine whether…
WMP/CRP Special Report
Outside Group Activity, 2000-2016
2016 ElectionsBlogReleases

WMP/CRP Special Report
Outside Group Activity, 2000-2016

Image: OpenSecrets Super PACs dominate 2016; “Dark Money” a consistent but growing presence since 2000; Outside Groups at all-time high in share of ads aired; most groups active in only one election cycle August 24, 2016 (MIDDLETOWN, CT) August 24, 2016 – A new historical analysis of political advertising data by the Wesleyan Media Project, in partnership with the Center for Responsive Politics, reveals several important findings about the involvement of outside groups in elections over the past decade and a half.  In particular, the report provides an in-depth assessment of outside group advertising (2.4 million airings) over time, examining trends…
Wesleyan Media Project
August 24, 2016
Voice and Inequality in Political Campaigns Blog

Voice and Inequality in Political Campaigns

This summary, by Kathleen Searles, is based on new research just published in the journal Political Communication   Is Don Draper Making Political Ads? -- AMC’s popular period drama, “Mad Men,” is set in a fictional 1960s advertising agency where ad executives attempt to sell happiness to America’s beleaguered housewives. While a lot has changed since Don Draper’s days on Madison Avenue, one aspect hasn’t: men’s voices are still the overwhelming choice when it comes to voiceover narration in political advertising. Male voice-overs outnumbered female voice-overs two to one in the 2010 and 2012 congressional campaigns. Sixty three percent of…