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Pro-Clinton Ads Continue to Dominate Airwaves 2016 ElectionsReleases

Pro-Clinton Ads Continue to Dominate Airwaves

Parties, Republican Groups Staying Out of Presidential Race, but Trump Advertising at Same Pace as Romney in 2012; Senate Advertising Heats Up: Outside Group Activity Continues to Break Records; Third of Group Ads are Dark Money September 20, 2016 Report Highlights • Pro-Clinton ads dominating in most markets (Figures 1 & 2) • Party ads and pro-GOP group ads down in Pres. race (Table 2) • Pres. advertising is more negative in 2016 (Table 3) • Only Clinton reaching out through Spanish-Language advertising (Go to section) • Pres. ad spending nearly $600M for more than 700K ads (Table 4) •…
Wesleyan Media Project
September 20, 2016
Over 2 Million Political Ads Aired This Cycle 2016 ElectionsReleases

Over 2 Million Political Ads Aired This Cycle

Group Activity in Senate Contests at All-Time High; Democrats Advantaged in Competitive Senate Races; Super PACs Heavily Involved August 24, 2016 Report Highlights • Presidential and Senate ads heavily out-numbering ads in other races • Outside group ad airings in Senate races are at an all-time high • Ad spending higher than 2012: Dems sponsor own, GOP rely on outside groups • Hillary Clinton is top ad sponsor so far in the general election • Impact on media markets since first Trump ad buy • FL, OH and NC voters are seeing the most presidential ads • Democrats are running…
Wesleyan Media Project
August 24, 2016
WMP/CRP Special Report
Outside Group Activity, 2000-2016
2016 ElectionsBlogReleases

WMP/CRP Special Report
Outside Group Activity, 2000-2016

Image: OpenSecrets Super PACs dominate 2016; “Dark Money” a consistent but growing presence since 2000; Outside Groups at all-time high in share of ads aired; most groups active in only one election cycle August 24, 2016 (MIDDLETOWN, CT) August 24, 2016 – A new historical analysis of political advertising data by the Wesleyan Media Project, in partnership with the Center for Responsive Politics, reveals several important findings about the involvement of outside groups in elections over the past decade and a half.  In particular, the report provides an in-depth assessment of outside group advertising (2.4 million airings) over time, examining trends…
Wesleyan Media Project
August 24, 2016
Advertising Volume Up 122% Over 2012 Levels;
Spending in Presidential Race Over $400 million
2016 ElectionsReleases

Advertising Volume Up 122% Over 2012 Levels;
Spending in Presidential Race Over $400 million

Presidential Advertising Largely Positive; Dark Money Flooding Senate Contests May 12, 2016 Report Highlights • Advertising volume compared to 2008 and 2012 • GOP pres. candidates relying more on outside groups • Top outside group sponsors • Milwaukee, Hartford, Indianapolis saw most ads since March 15 • Super PACs pay for over 90% of GOP outside group ads • Candidate ads overwhelmingly positive • Issues featured in ads • Hottest Senate races are in PA, MD and AL • Senate Races: Top outside group sponsors • Senate Races: Dark money groups more active (MIDDLETOWN, CT) May 12, 2016 - Although…