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Presidential Ad War Tops 1M Airings 2012 ElectionsReleases

Presidential Ad War Tops 1M Airings

Pro-Romney Ads Cut into Obama Advantage in Last Week of Oct; Obama campaign outspends Romney campaign 2.6:1 on ads in the general election period; Republican outside groups make up the difference for Romney (MIDDLETOWN, CT) Nov. 2, 2012 – As the 2012 campaign comes to a close, the number of ads aired in the presidential general election passed the one million mark last week.  As of October 29, the two candidates, their party committees, and supporting interest groups had sponsored 1,015,615 ads since June 1, a 39.1% increase over 2008 (730,041) and a 41% increase over 2004 (720,064), during the…
November 2, 2012
2012 Shatters 2004 and 2008 Records for Total Ads Aired 2012 ElectionsReleases

2012 Shatters 2004 and 2008 Records for Total Ads Aired

Over 900,000 Ads Aired in Presidential General Election Race; Over 210,000 Ads since October 1; President Continues to Hold Ad Advantage in Key Markets; Independent Groups and Obama Campaign Most Likely to Use Pure Attack Ads (MIDDLETOWN, CT) Oct. 24, 2012 – Over 915,000 presidential ads have been aired on broadcast and national cable television since June 1.  This is a 44.5 percent increase from the 637,000 ads aired through October 21 in 2008 and a 43.7 percent increase from the 634,000 ads aired through October 21 in 2004.  See Figure 1. (more…)
October 24, 2012
Obama Dominates Advertising in Key States 2012 ElectionsReleases

Obama Dominates Advertising in Key States

President Holds Advantage in 14 of 15 Top Markets; Only 7.8 Percent of Presidential Ads Positive; FCC electronic disclosure leaves out more than 50% of federal ads (MIDDLETOWN, CT) Oct. 3, 2012 – In the three-week period since the parties’ national conventions, Barack Obama and his party and interest group allies have continued to dominate the airwaves in the battleground presidential states. From September 9 to September 30, Obama held an ad advantage in 14 of the 15 most advertised media markets in the key states of Virginia, Ohio, and Florida (Table 1). In the top 15 markets, pro-Romney advertising…
October 3, 2012
Obama’s ‘Convention Bounce’ May Actually be an Ad Bounce 2012 ElectionsReleases

Obama’s ‘Convention Bounce’ May Actually be an Ad Bounce

Pro-Obama Advertisers Had Over 2 to 1 Advantage in Last Two Weeks; Romney Heavily Reliant on Outside Groups; Negative Ads Up Sharply from 2008 (MIDDLETOWN, CT) Sept. 12, 2012 – Although the Romney campaign has (until recently) dominated the money race, the Obama campaign dominated the broadcast airwaves in the two weeks during the presidential conventions. As Table 1 shows, during the August 26 to September 8 period, Obama and his allies aired 40,000 ads on broadcast and national cable television, the vast majority of which were paid for by the Obama campaign.  By comparison, Romney and his allies aired roughly…
September 12, 2012
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