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Advertising in Presidential Race Takes a Nosedive after New Hampshire 2024 ElectionsReleases

Advertising in Presidential Race Takes a Nosedive after New Hampshire

Trump, Biden Give Little Attention to South Carolina(MIDDLETOWN, CT) February 16, 2024 - The volume of television advertising in the 2024 presidential race has fallen dramatically since the January 23 New Hampshire primary. In the weeks since New Hampshire, candidates and the groups and parties supporting them have spent only $2.6 million on under 8,000 ad airings on broadcast television stations. (This figure omits an estimated $7 million in spending on an ad that aired during the Super Bowl by the American Values super PAC, which backs Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.) Figure 1, which shows the number of broadcast ads…
Wesleyan Media Project
February 16, 2024
Candidate Desantis speaking at press conference
Heavy Spending by GOP in Iowa, including Trump 2024 ElectionsReleases

Heavy Spending by GOP in Iowa, including Trump

Photo Gage Skidmore/flickr GOP candidates get significant backing from super PACs(MIDDLETOWN, CT) January 11, 2024 – Donald Trump may not be at the Republican presidential debates, but he is not conceding the airwaves in Iowa or New Hampshire, a new analysis from the Wesleyan Media Project shows. Trump’s campaign, along with the Make America Great Again super PAC, have spent about $10 million on the airwaves in Iowa (Table 1) for roughly 22,000 ad airings, just shy of the number of pro-Haley airings. Another 4,800 airings (or about $4.7 million) in pro-Trump ads have aired in New Hampshire, but the…
Wesleyan Media Project
January 11, 2024